My name is Dennis Reeves and I hail from Pembroke in West Wales. I have 5 children and 5 grandchildren... and a cat. I have never been in the forces but did just under 10 years in The Royal Observer Corps (ROC) and was heavily involved in the RAF Air Cadets as a uniformed member of staff specialising in Radio. Work wise I was an Officer of Custom & Excise, then an Officer of Revenue & Customs until they closed all the local offices in 2014 resulting in early retirement. I now work for Pembrokeshire county council as 'Coordinator' in the Highways Department. Basically I look after a high level road bridge and cover a 24-hour emergency help line.
I come from an RAF family and thus was born my love of Land Rovers. I can still recall the excitement when dad bought a Series home from work. My first was an old Series 2 88". I then got my LR kicks with a works 110 CSW. In 2005 we purchased Lulu, my ex-RAF 110 V8 soft top followed 2 years later with the Sankey.
What do I do with EMLRA? Well, I’m the Treasurer. I look after your hard-earned beans. I bank the cheques, transfer the PayPal money and pay all the Club bills such as insurance, printing, stationary and postage. I also advise the committee on funding availability for special projects.